Sigma Beta Club Advisor

Sigma Beta Clubs also provide services to youths in their communities. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. interest in fostering the development of youth into effective leaders has been realized in the establishment of strong and productive Sigma Beta Clubs all across the country. The initiatives and programs that foster the development of a Sigma Beta Club member are Education, Social Action, Bigger and Better Business, Childhood Obesity & Health and Wellness.
Education: Academic Enrichment & Mentoring
Club members receive academic assistance and leadership development at the elementary, middle and high school levels. This happens through one-on-one and group approaches to the tutoring of Sigma Beta Club members and after school and weekend tutoring by Alumni and Collegiate members in various academic and professional disciplines. Additionally, Sigma Beta Clubs develop partnerships with local institutions, inclusive of colleges and universities, community colleges and trade schools.
Social Action: Sigma Against Teenage Pregnancy Plus
The primary area of focus of the SATAPP Program is providing Sigma Beta Club members with tools they need to make smart choices about healthy lifestyles that will help lead to responsible fatherhood later in life.
Bigger and Better Business: Job Training, Savings, and Investment
Club members increase their awareness of business ownership as well as the importance of saving and investing at an early age. Club members also learn about various professions via internships, job shadowing, and other avenues to visit job sites.
Childhood Obesity Initiative
The Sigma Beta Club Foundations Child Obesity Initiative focuses on the mind, body, and spirit. The primary objective is reducing weight and reversing the poor health of adolescents at an early age through the following principles:
Stepping into shape
Eating healthy
Exercising daily
Knowing the obesity facts
Learning how to grow your own food
Self-esteem matters
Community Service
Sigma Beta Club members are required to conduct a variety of community service projects. These may include but are not limited to serving the elderly, March of Dimes: March for Babies, Sickle Cell Centers, visiting children in hospitals, volunteering at their library, working with children with disabilities, cleaning up their neighborhood, etc.
Enrichment Programs
In addition to our organization-wide initiatives, local clubs also participate in a variety of enrichment programs that cover the following categories:
Cultural: art shows, plays, concerts, museums
Social: parties, parent’s day, cook-outs, movies
Athletic: football, baseball, golf, basketball, bowling